SUPer: Simple Unit Pricer

by My Turn Software



Sometimes you just need a unit price calculator that compares a few grocery items or products measured in the same units, quickly and clearly, to find the best deal. Thats what the Simple Unit Pricer (SUPer) does. If you need something that performs all sorts of conversions then this is not the app for you. But if you just want to know which box of Bran Flakes to buy, then this unit price calculator is probably all you need. The layout is clear and simple, as visible in the screenshots below.The app has 3 basic fields for data entry - Price, Units, and Quantity. Price is self-explanatory, but note this is just a generic "currency". So if your currency of choice can fit into the field then the app may work for you. Units can be any unit of measure, whether it be ounces, grams, sheets of toilet paper, number of eggs, whatever makes sense for the product in question. Quantity defaults to one, but if youre pricing a product thats some sort of "multi-pack" you may want to use this field, i.e. 6 rolls of toilet paper versus 12 rolls.Enter as many items as youd like via the "Add Item" button. When you tap "Compute" the app will display each unit price and highlight the lowest row (or rows, in the case of a tie). It doesnt get any faster or easier than this. Give it a try, its free!Please email me with feedback, issues, questions, or enhancement requests at [email protected].